JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure es uno de los manga y anime más populares que ha existido durante mucho tiempo. Por supuesto, su singularidad es una de las cosas que lo hace bastante popular, ya que incluye personajes que tienen personalidades descomunales. Y todos estos personajes tienen poderes que les permiten luchar contra sus oponentes.

Los poderes que usan los personajes de JoJo se llaman Stands, que son habilidades sobrenaturales que se manifiestan en alter egos humanoides de los personajes que los usan. Estos Stands tienen sus propias habilidades únicas que sus usuarios deben dominar hasta un punto que les permita usarlos en cualquier momento para tener una ventaja sobre sus enemigos. Si bien algunos Stands tienen el mismo poder y deben usarse estratégicamente, hay algunos Stands que son simplemente potencias.

Como tal, estamos aquí para ver los Stands más fuertes de JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

20. Guerra civil

Civil War es un Stand que aparece en Steel Ball Run y ​​es el Stand de Axl RO. Lo que pasa con este Stand es que es bastante único y peculiar en el sentido de que sus poderes y habilidades pueden ser algo complicados. Pero si se usa de la manera adecuada, este Stand puede ser una potencia capaz de enfrentarse a algunos de los Stands más poderosos de JoJo.

Lo que hace que Civil War sea tan poderoso es el hecho de que tiene la capacidad de recuperar cualquier cosa que su objetivo haya descartado voluntariamente en el pasado. Como tal, si tiras algo de lo que te arrepientes, Civil War puede recuperarlo para hacerte sentir culpable. Lo peor es que intentará fusionarlo contigo. Por supuesto, la habilidad también se aplica a Civil War porque se puede recuperar una vez que se mata, y esa es la razón por la que este Stand es tan peligroso y único.

19. Dedos pegajosos

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Sticky Fingers, que también viene con el nombre Zipper Man, es uno de los Stands más fuertes de JoJo, no porque sea capaz de tener gran poder sino por el hecho de que puede ser muy versátil en muchas situaciones diferentes. Por supuesto, como su nombre indica, puede crear cremalleras en cualquier cosa, y eso incluye a los seres vivos.

Utilizado por Bruno Bucciarti, Sticky Fingers es capaz de usar las cremalleras para crear portales para atacar en cualquier momento o retirarse cuando sea necesario. También puede utilizar estas cremalleras para ocultar cosas. Pero la parte más peligrosa es que puede usar las cremalleras para dividir a sus oponentes o incluso a sí mismo por la mitad, y es por eso que es peligrosamente único en manos de un hombre que entiende cómo usar su asombroso poder.

18. El hombre ahorcado

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Propiedad del malvado J. Geil, que usa el Stand para algunos de los actos más cobardes y viles de la serie, Hanged Man es un Stand poderoso que es capaz de realizar algunos de los golpes más precisos de JoJo debido al hecho de que su habilidad le permite viajar de un lugar a otro a través de cualquier superficie reflectante, incluidos los ojos de una persona.

Esto permite que Hanged Man ataque en cualquier momento a velocidades increíblemente rápidas. Es incluso más rápido que Silver Chariot, un Stand conocido por su increíble velocidad. En ese sentido, Hanged Man puede atacar a un oponente antes de que pueda detectarlo, y por eso es el Stand perfecto para un hombre asesino como J. Geil. Y el hecho de que se puedan encontrar superficies reflectantes en cualquier lugar hace que Hanged Man sea tan difícil de derrotar.

17. La puerta del cielo

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Heaven’s Door es el Stand de Kishibe Rohan y es un Stand increíblemente poderoso en términos de su potencial. Esto se debe a que le permite a Rohan aprender todo sobre las fortalezas y debilidades de sus oponentes. Por supuesto, también hay otras razones por las que Heaven’s Door es tan fuerte como es.

Through Heaven’s Door, Kishibe Rohan can write commands on the bodies of his opponents, and these commands will be carried out as long as the bodies are capable of doing them. In that regard, it is incredibly useful in a lot of different situations, even though it isn’t the most capable Stand when it comes to pure combat power.

16. Metallica

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

One of the most unique Stands in JoJo is Metallica because of the fact that it isn’t one Stand but is actually several colonies. Used by Risotto Nero, this Stand has the ability to use magnetism to its advantage when it comes to manipulating iron.

The fact that Metallica can manipulate iron means that it can also control the iron found in the body of living organisms so that it can create sharp objects and pierce the person from the inside. Risotto can even lower the hemoglobin level of a person’s body to the point that it causes them to die in a slow yet painful manner. There are also a lot of other applications of this Stand, such as making the user invisible. In other words, it is a very versatile Stand that can be used in almost any kind of situation.

15. White Album

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Unlike other Stands, White Album manifests like a suit that can be worn by the user, who we know is Ghiaccio. In that regard, it works like armor instead of a standalone humanoid creature that can be seen standing on the side of the user. And unlike some of the more complicated Stands in JoJo, White Album has a simple skill in the sense that it has the ability to freeze.

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The fact that White Album can freeze things allowed Ghiaccio to become one of the strongest characters in JoJo. He has the ability to use his ice powers on almost anything, as it can even create an incredibly tough layer of armor. As such, defeating Ghiaccio was a very tough task during the events of Vento Aureo.

14. Green Day

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Green Day proved to be a powerful opponent for Giorno during the events of Golden Wind, as it was a powerful Stand in the hands of Cioccolata, who was a doctor with a taste for death. Of course, Green Day also has unique abilities that may not be combat-oriented but can be used in a lot of different situations.

The power of Green Day allows it to create a deadly mold that is capable of killing any living object. As such, it can spread from one victim to another, as Ciocdcolata can even control it remotely. Of course, while Green Day isn’t necessarily combat-oriented, it can still deliver a powerful punch.

13. ​​​​Bohemian Rhapsody

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

If there was a Stand that is great at causing chaos throughout the world, it’s Bohemian Rhapsody because of the fact that it is literally capable of affecting the entire world due to the fact that it can bring fictional characters to life. This makes it extremely versatile and chaotic in the sense that it can affect almost any kind of person throughout the world.

The power of this Stand can force a person to get dragged into the story of the fictional character. What makes Bohemian Rhapsody even more dangerous is that the only way to defeat it is by creating a fictional character that could kill other fictional characters. As such, if the enemy doesn’t know about that, Bohemian Rhapsody is basically unstoppable.

12. Killer Queen

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Killer Queen is the Stand of Yoshikage Kira, and the main antagonist of Diamond is Unbreakable. The thing about Killer Queen is that it is perfect in the hands of a serial killer due to the fact that it has the ability to turn anything into a bomb. This allowed Kira to create bomb projectiles out of thin air due to the bubbles that Killer Queen can create from the air. Of course, it can also turn any living being into a bomb upon contact.

Bites the Dust, which is one of the bombs that Killer Queen can create, is especially dangerous because it can create a miniature version of the Stand. This allows Killer Queen to infiltrate a person’s body and then trigger an explosion. But the most dangerous part is that the ability can create a time loop that rewinds time an hour before the explosion happened. As such, there are a lot of different applications to this incredibly dangerous Stand.

11. Notorious B.I.G

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

In terms of sheer unstoppability, Notorious B.I.G tops the list because of the fact that it is an autonomous Stand that cannot be stopped even after killing its user. The power activates upon the death of the user, and it allows it to grow in size by feeding on energy. As such, it is immune to the attacks of Stands because of the very fact that it has the ability to eat their energy.

While this Stand can be physically damaged, it is capable of regenerating in a heartbeat, and that means that it cannot be killed or stopped. This made stopping Notorious B.I.G incredibly difficult, as it is possible that it is truly invincible when compared to the other Stands on this list.

10. Cream

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

One of the Stands that showcased a horrific power early on in the JoJo series is Cream, which appeared in Stardust Crusaders as the Stand of one of DIO’s most powerful minions, Vanilla Ice. The thing about Cream is that its powers allow it to create dimensions that it can travel in, as this allows it to move instantly from one place to another.

But the most dangerous part about Cream is the fact that it can also send people into these dimensions by dragging them there, as that was the case when it dragged Muhammad Avdol into a portal to kill him. Its only weakness is that it cannot see while it is in another dimension, and this makes it particularly susceptible to attacks from fast-moving and precise Stands.

9. The World

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

The World is DIO’s Stand in the third JoJo series, which is Stardust Crusaders. Aside from the fact that DIO himself is an incredibly powerful vampire, The World simply allowed him to become one of the strongest characters in the entire series, as it boasts capabilities that are useful in any kind of situation.

In a solo battle, The World is already quite powerful due to its incredible offensive power. However, what makes it even more dangerous is the fact that it allows DIO to stop time. Through training, DIO increased the duration of the time stoppage to nine seconds, and that was always more than enough for him to kill his opponents or find a way to counter their abilities.

8. Star Platinum

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Star Platinum is the Stand of Jotaro Kujo, who is one of the most prominent JoJo characters in the entire anime. As such, this is one of the strongest Stands in the entire series, as it is possessed by one of the strongest characters. And the thing about Star Platinum is that it evolved from a one-trick pony Stand into an incredibly versatile and powerful weapon.

At first, Star Platinum was known as an offensive Stand capable of dishing out attacks in a precise and quick manner due to its superhuman strength and speed. Its precision was also one of its best weapons, as it allowed Jotaro to catch bullets from point-blank range. However, as it evolved, Star Platinum developed the ability to also stop time for up to five seconds. As such, it was able to defeat DIO’s The World because Star Platinum is physically stronger and more precise, even though it isn’t necessarily better at stopping time.

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7. Weather Report

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Weather Report is the Stand of Domenico Pucci and is an incredibly versatile Stand because of the fact that it has a wide range of options in terms of offense and defense due to its ability to control and manipulate the weather. In that regard, there are a lot of different applications for this Stand in almost any kind of situation.

On top of its standard abilities, Weather Report also has an ability called Heavy Weather when it regained its memories from Enrico Pucci. This allows the Stand to turn people into snails. And the only way to defeat this ability is to actually defeat Weather Report itself.

6. King Crimson/Epitaph

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

King Crimson is the Stand of Passione leader Diavolo. But the thing about King Crimson is that as powerful as this Stand is, it is quite confusing in terms of its powers and abilities. That’s because it is actually two Stands in one. The first is Epitaph, which allows the user to see ten seconds into the future, and the other is King Crimson itself, which allows Diavolo to erase anything that happens in the ten seconds seen in the future.

As such, there are incredible applications when it comes to King Crimson’s abilities, as it leaves people with no memory of what happened in those ten seconds. On top of that, it also has offensive abilities that rival Star Platinum’s strength and speed, making it one of the most dangerous Stands in JoJo.

5. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Also known as D4C, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap is the Stand of Funny Valentine and has the ability to allow its user to travel through different dimensions. This makes it one of the most incredibly overpowered Stands in JoJo, as it allows Funny to use the different dimensions and universes to heal injuries by using his counterpart from a different universe.

Essentially, Funny became immortal due to this power, and he only became even more dangerous after gathering the body parts of the Saint’s Corpse, which allowed him to redirect any misfortune to his enemies. In that regard, Funny Valentine became immortal through the use of D4C’s incredible powers.

4. Tusk Act IV

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Johnny Joestar’s Stand has the ability to grow in terms of its power over time, and this allowed his Stand, Tusk, to become one of the few Stands to have different forms. In that regard, Act IV is Tusk’s most powerful form in the series, as it allows it to have the highest offensive power in the entire JoJo series.

On top of that, Tusk Act IV also has limitless energy that it is able to use to its advantage, as it can even use this energy to trap Funny Valentine to the point that the enemy has no means of escaping. The power of its spinning attacks also allows it to bypass the dimensional barrier, as it became a natural weakness to Funny’s D4C.

3. Made in Heaven

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Made in Heaven makes the top three of this list because of the fact that it is the best when it comes to temporal manipulation. This is one of the Stands that can be seen in Stone Ocean, and it has the ability to surpass all other Stands in terms of its incredible speed because of how it can manipulate the flow of time. That means that its powers are even more powerful than both The World and Star Platinum.

The fact that it can control time allows it to counter any ability to stop time, as it can accelerate the user’s time limit. As such, Star Platinum’s five-second limit can be accelerated to the point that it never even stopped time at all. And because of Made in Heaven’s ability to control time, it has the ability to create new universes as well.

2. Gold Experience Requiem

Normally speaking, Gold Experience Requiem should be the strongest Stand on this list because it is actually the strongest canon Stand in JoJo. It is the evolved form of Giorno’s standard Gold Experience Stand. On top of the standard abilities of Gold Experience, this Stand’s strength and speed are magnified to the point that a stone, when thrown, can destroy a big part of a building. But it is its new abilities that allowed it to become the strongest canon Stand in JoJo.

La capacidad de devolver cualquier cosa a «cero» es la habilidad divina que hace que Gold Experience Requiem sea tan peligrosamente poderoso. Este poder le permite al Stand evitar que ocurra cualquier acción, ya que se convirtió en una debilidad natural de las habilidades de King Crimson. La habilidad es tan poderosa que permite a Gold Experience Requiem devolver cualquier cosa a “cero” repetidamente para crear un bucle temporal interminable de muerte, lo que obliga al oponente a experimentar la muerte una y otra vez.

1. El mundo sobre el cielo

Las 20 posiciones más fuertes en Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (clasificadas)

Si bien puede que no sea canónico en el manga y anime de JoJo, The World Over Heaven es el Stand más fuerte de JoJo debido a cómo evolucionó las habilidades de The World a niveles indescriptibles. Este poder se derivó después de que DIO derrotara a los Joestars y obtuviera el cielo. Como tal, alcanzó un nivel divino que nunca antes se había visto en JoJo.

Debido a sus habilidades evolucionadas, The World Over Heaven ya no tiene un límite de tiempo de nueve segundos para detener el tiempo. Pero la parte más peligrosa de sus poderes es su capacidad de reescribir la realidad de cualquier cosa que toque. Eso significa que es incluso más fuerte que la capacidad de Gold Experience Requiem de devolver cualquier cosa a «cero».

Ysmael es un geek autoproclamado al que le encanta todo lo relacionado con la fantasía, la ciencia ficción, los videojuegos y el anime. Pasa mucho su tiempo libre viendo películas, programas de televisión y jugando.

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