Uno de los juegos más populares de las últimas dos décadas es definitivamente Minecraft. El juego trascendió la popularidad y quedó arraigado en los libros de historia del juego. Comenzando como un pequeño y divertido juego, Minecraft se diversificó de múltiples maneras y cubrió varias modificaciones de juego que cualquiera puede jugar. Por supuesto, la popularidad atrajo a jugadores hábiles y populares, y en este artículo, clasificaremos a nuestros 15 mejores jugadores de Minecraft en 2022.

Dado que Minecraft tiene múltiples modos de juego como PvP, modo Creativo, modo Supervivencia, modo Aventura, Modo Incondicional y más, y diferentes ediciones como Java y Bedrock, clasificaremos cuidadosamente a nuestros jugadores. Además, consideraremos todos los factores que rodean al juego Minecraft. Esta clasificación fue bastante difícil de crear, pero esperamos que al menos estés de acuerdo con algunas de nuestras selecciones. Minecraft es un juego complejo y las opiniones son en su mayoría subjetivas, pero hicimos lo mejor que pudimos. Si estás interesado, ¡quédate con nosotros hasta el final! ¡Empecemos!

Los 15 mejores jugadores de Minecraft en 2022 (clasificados)

15. Wad Zee

Jesse Wadsworth, también conocido como WadZee, es un YouTuber australiano y uno de los jugadores de Minecraft más populares en la actualidad. Comenzó su canal de YouTube con el juego Fortnite, pero pronto se transfirió a Minecraft y no miró hacia atrás desde entonces. WadZee se hizo popular después de lanzar su serie One Block Skyblock y Hardcore, donde logró sobrevivir durante 55 episodios.

WadZee mostró su habilidad y creatividad en la construcción y la capacidad de supervivencia, ya que One Block Skyblock era un desafío en el que un jugador solo tiene un bloque disponible y necesita usar sus escasos recursos para construir su mundo en el cielo. WadZee fue un pionero de ese modo y se convirtió en el mejor YouTuber de Minecraft para el modo de supervivencia de desafío Hardcore y One Block Skyblock. Hoy en día, WadZee tiene seis millones de suscriptores en YouTube y todavía publica vídeos de Minecraft con regularidad, cada uno con dos millones de visitas.

14. brizna

El siguiente en la lista es Wisp, también conocido como Wispexe. Es un YouTuber inglés de Minecraft que se hizo popular jugando en servidores como Hypixel, FluxPvP y Glade, e incluso tenía su servidor: UHCArcade/MCArcade.

Principalmente juega varias campañas en el modo Supervivencia y en el modo Hardcore, donde realiza una serie de Let’s Plays.

Wisp ha sido un competidor habitual en el Campeonato MC, comenzando en la duodécima edición y ganando en el MCC 14. En el MCC 22, que se celebró en mayo de 2022, Wisp terminó cuarto con su equipo. Wisp sigue siendo uno de los jugadores de Minecraft más populares en Internet y un competidor habitual en varios torneos de Minecraft.


SB737, o Daniel, es un YouTuber de juegos inglés que, además de sus vídeos de Minecraft, es conocido por sus vídeos de speedrunning de Sonic The Hedgehog. Es conocido por su ahora legendaria serie en modo Hardcore, donde su personaje logró sobrevivir durante más de 4600 días. En la serie, adquirió la legendaria «God Armor» 1.14, derrotó a un guardián en combate directo, creó muchas granjas y muchos otros logros.

Además de su rico contenido en YouTube, SB737 también participa regularmente en el Campeonato MC, en el que ha estado compitiendo desde el Campeonato MC 8 (ha habido 23 Campeonatos MC hasta la fecha).

He teamed up with many skillful Minecraft players, and in the most recent MC Championship 23, he placed in seventh place individually in front of TommyInnit, CaptainSparklez, and more. He placed directly behind Dream in the tournament, which we will mention later. Daniel did win once – the MC Championship 17 with Orange Ocelots.

12. Ph1lza

Ph1lza, also known as Phil Watson, is a Minecraft YouTuber, Twitch streamer, and one of the OGs of the Minecraft community. He mostly streams on Twitch these days, but his content is posted on his YouTube channel.

He is mostly known as a player who managed to play a singular continuous Minecraft campaign in Hardcore mode for five years. He is a Hardcore legend and is a member of Sleepyboisinc Minecraft players that includes/included Technoblade Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit.

Ph1lza has been part of multiple MC Championships and was part of the first 40 competitors of the first competition. He managed to win the competition three times – MCC 4, MCC 12, and MCC 19. He usually performed with his friends and mostly performed well with his teams.

11. TommyInnit

Tom Simons is a well-known Minecraft content creator with over eleven million YouTube subscribers. He is also known for playing with other popular Minecraft players and is a member of the popular team Dream SMP. Tom plays various Minecraft modes, which include different servers as well. His content consists of Minecraft mods, Hypixel Skyblock videos, and testing different hacking devices in Minecraft games.

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Professionally, TommyInnit performed at almost every MCC event and has won the competition three times – MCC 4, MCC19, and MCC 22. Tommy mostly performs well in various PvP modes like Parkour Tag and Meltdown. Today, he is one of the most popular Minecraft content creators and it looks like it will stay that way for a long time.

10. Purpled

Content creator Purpled, also known as Greyson, is a Minecraft Youtuber and Twitch streamer. He is fairly new to the Minecraft community but quickly became one of the more popular Minecraft content creators today. He became famous for playing on Hypixel and its BedWars game mode, where he managed to get to the highest positions on the leaderboard.

He is one of the best speed bridgers and PvP players in the game, and since his first appearance in the MCC 20, Purpled managed to win one event in 2022. He is consistently at the top of the Minecraft player’s table and obviously possesses the talent for the game. He is still young, so we can expect more from him in the future. He is also a member of DreamSMP but wanted to branch out to other games like Subnautica, Fortnite, and more.

9. Grian

This next Minecraft player is more of a teacher and educator than a competitive player, but he is still one of Minecraft’s most impressive creative minds. Grian, also known as Charles, is a Minecraft YouTuber who became famous for his cool tutorials about buildings, especially houses. His tips and tricks brought him more than seven million YouTuber subscribers, and some Minecraft fans and players consider him the most creative mind in Minecraft.

His videos are more educational than not, and how good of a builder he is, is the fact that he has a building style named after him – “Grian Style of building.” He lacks Redstone skills, but his skill in other building areas overshadow his weaknesses. Grian’s Hermitcraft and Third/Last Life SMP series are very popular in the community, and he even owns his server called Wynncraft.

8. CaptainSparklez

One of the OGs of the Minecraft community is CaptainSparklez, also known as Jordan Maron. His content mostly revolves around Minecraft-themed song covers of popular mainstream songs. His most popular video was “Revenge,” a Minecraft parody of Usher’s “DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love,”
with almost 300 million views.

Despite being mainly a content creator, CaptainSparklez is a skilled player who participated in multiple MCCs and reached the Dodgebolt twice, a final round of the MC Championship. One of the Minecraft OGs actually participates and plays the game of Minecraft, and it does not look like he will stop anytime soon. He mostly plays Survival mode which includes customized campaigns and Let’s Plays.

7. GeorgeNotFound

The next entry on this list is reserved for GeorgeNotFound, or simply George. He is one of the most popular Minecraft content creators and MCC participants and co-owns a popular whitelisted Minecraft server DreamSMP. His collaborations with other Minecraft content creators are still popular, and his participation in MCC tournaments was quite notable.

George’s Minecraft series “Minecraft Endermen Destruction from 2019 and other challenges videos are what got him famous, but the MCC participation is where he always flourishes. He won three MCC tournaments – MCC 11, MCC 12, and MCC 24, with non-canon MCC AS, and MCC 22. He is still good, and we expect him to participate in future MCC tournaments.

6. xNestorio

xNestorio, also known as Nestor, is an Ecuadorian Minecraft streamer and content creator. Nestor is known for his YouTube challenges and videos with various mods, usually in the UltraHardcore mode. His series like Cube UHC, Spawning 1,000,000 … in Minecraft UHC, and more, became really popular in the community and brought him over four million YouTube subscribers.

Nestor did not participate that much in the official MCC tournaments. Still, the ones like Minecraft Monday, Minecraft Ultimate, and the MCC Rising are tournaments that propelled him in the community even more. In the MCC Rising, Nestor finished ninth overall, ultimately winning the whole thing with his team. He is very talented, and we will probably see him in future MCC tournaments.

5. jojosolos

Women can rejoice, we have the first female on this list, and she is quite skillful in Minecraft. Jojo is a newer Minecraft player known for her Among Us collaborations and Roblox videos. Recently, Jojo started participating in the MCC tournaments, and her career as a Minecraft content creator kickstarted pretty fast.

Since her first appearance in the MCC 21, Jojo has been consistently at the top of the standings and was the best-placed Minecraft player in the recent MC Championship 25. She won another tournament, MC Championship Rising, and her skills in race-based and PvP modes are what brought her success at the MCC tournaments.

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4. Fruitberries

Fruitberries, also known as Josh, is a Minecraft Twitch streamer and content creator who became prominent with his skills in the MCC and other tournaments. His skills mostly revolve around trapping in UHC and Skywars, in which he traps another player and ultimately wins the game with their items. Josh is also known for his speedrunning compilations and has won Minecraft Twitch Rivals with fellow Minecraft players.

He is an active participator in MCC tournaments and has won two – MCC 6 and MCC 9. He is consistently at the top of the MCC standings in team play and individually. Fruitberries is truly one of the best Minecraft players of 2022.

3. sapnap

One of the best Minecraft players and content creators of recent years, Sapnap definitely belongs to this list. Also known as Nick, his content revolves around collaborations with other Minecraft players, including Dream, George, and others. That’s not surprising since he is one of the Dream team members and his “Minecraft, but it’s raining cats and dogs” and other similar challenges propelled him to Minecraft stardom.

It does help that he is a really skilled Minecraft player, and his winning record in MCC tournaments is something to admire. Sapnap won five MCC tournaments and a non-canon one, MCC AS. He is really good in PvP modes, like Battle Box and Parkour Tag, which is seen in his results in most recent tournaments – he finished second individually in the MCC 25.

2. Dream

We are already at the end of this list, but we won’t announce the top Minecraft player yet. The second place on this list is Dream, the most popular Minecraft player today. He was never the best, but his speed-running challenges and videos propelled him to the highest realms of stardom. He has over 30 million YouTube and seven million Twitch subscribers and is a part of the Dream Team’s collaborative group, including GeorgeNotFound and Sapnap.

El canal de YouTube de Dream es uno de los canales de más rápido crecimiento en la historia, con más de 10 millones de suscriptores en solo un año. Su rivalidad con Illumina y otros speedrunners ya es legendaria, y su participación en torneos de MCC es, cuanto menos, muy conocida. Ganó cinco torneos de MCC, incluidos dos no canónicos, y es aclamado como uno de los mejores jugadores de Minecraft de todos los tiempos. Bueno, este año no, si nos preguntas.

1. Illumina HD

Illumina, también conocido como Kye, es actualmente, al menos en mi opinión, el mejor jugador de Minecraft. Ha sido creador de contenidos y speedrunner de Minecraft durante años, y sus récords todavía son aclamados como uno de los mejores en la historia de Minecraft. Para no repasar todos y cada uno de los logros, mencionaré sus premios oficiales, los torneos ganados y cómo le fue frente a sus compañeros de Minecraft.

Ha ganado dos torneos MCC y uno no canónico, MCC 21. Con sólo 23 años, Illumina ya es uno de los mejores jugadores de Minecraft de todos los tiempos. Sus victorias en los torneos de MCC resultaron en barridas inversas, lo que resultó en finales realmente entretenidas y le dio a Kye la reputación de ser uno de los jugadores «más decisivos» y hábiles. El dúo es un equipo temido cuando se combina con su amigo y compañero de cuarto, Fruitberries. Illumina todavía tiene récords en varios modos de torneos de MCC, como Hole in the Wall, TGTTOSAWAF y más.

Mención de honor: Technoblade

Por supuesto, no podemos cerrar este artículo sin mencionar a Technoblade, probablemente el mejor reproductor de Minecraft que ha aparecido en nuestras pantallas. En primer lugar, Technoblade fue un gran creador de contenido de Minecraft que obtuvo más de 10 millones de suscriptores en YouTube.

Podría decirse que es el mejor jugador de Minecraft de los últimos años, y su habilidad en PvP es algo que sólo unos pocos jugadores podrían igualar. Dream, considerado el mejor jugador de Minecraft durante años, fue derrotado por Technoblade varias veces y consolidó quién es mejor en al menos un modo de juego de Minecraft.

Participó en los torneos de MCC varias veces en el pasado y ganó dos: MCC 4 y MCC 8. Alex dejó un gran impacto en la comunidad de Minecraft y permanecerá en nuestros recuerdos como el mejor jugador de Minecraft. Si estuviera aquí, definitivamente lo haría. ser el primero en esta lista.


Dora es una ávida fanática de los deportes que comenzó a interesarse por la televisión y las películas mientras asistía a la Universidad de Osijek. Personajes, historias y cinematografía es algo que empezó a analizar muy intensamente, lo que la hizo respetar más el arte de la televisión y el cine.

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