
50 mejores personajes de ficción que comienzan con N (con imágenes)

La magia del cine, los libros y los videojuegos nos ha traído a lo largo de los años tantos personajes que hemos llegado a amar y preocuparnos. Es especialmente agradable cuando vemos crecer y desarrollarse a algunos de los mismos personajes. Los escritores de estas películas, programas de televisión, libros, etc. nos han brindado muchos momentos memorables con nuestros favoritos de ficción. Sin más preámbulos, aquí tienes nuestra lista de los 50 mejores personajes de ficción que empiezan con la letra “N”.


1. Nala (El Rey León)

Nala es uno de los personajes principales de la icónica película El Rey León. Después de que su manada se quedó sin comida durante semanas, comenzó a buscar otros recursos y fue entonces cuando encontró a Simba.

2. Niñera McPhee (Niñera McPhee)

Un padre viudo con siete hijos que intentaba cuidarlos a todos lo mejor que sabía. No sabía que en una noche lluviosa llegaría ayuda.

3. Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)

Naruto is a young aspiring ninja, full of energy and will. Most people act really strange towards him. It’s almost like an innate dislike, which later on he finds out why, and despite everything, he still pursues his dream of becoming a Hokage.

4. Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)

Ned Flanders is the classic friendly neighbor, always there to help if needed. Although the main character Homer hates him for being overly nice at any opportunity.

5. Nemo (Finding Nemo)

One day Nemo decides to go a bit further on his own than usual and gets lost. His father, immensely worried, starts looking for him and meets some new friends on the way.

6. Neo (The Matrix)

Neo is the main character of the movie Matrix. He was specially chosen to be the next savior against the system. He finds out the truth about reality and how it was manufactured.

7. Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter)

A little bit clumsy and forgetful, Neville Longbottom is a young Gryffindor alongside his friends Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

8. Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)

Newt Scamander is the main character of the movie series Fantastic Beasts, which is a part of the Harry Potter universe. This was at the beginning of building a magical world, where a lot of wizards weren’t yet aware what are the possibilities.

9. Nick Fury (The Avengers)

Nick Fury is one of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., in a higher position. He is one of the closest collaborators to our heroes, and his job also includes investigating abnormal activities on Earth.

10. Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

Natasha Romanoff is a Russian-trained agent that eventually started working for the U.S., specifically for S.H.I.E.L.D., and eventually with the Avengers.

11. Norman Bates (Psycho)

This was such an iconic role, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Norman is working at the reception of a motel where a young lady finds her stay. He has sinister intentions toward her that manifest throughout the film.

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12. Nigel Thornberry (The Wild Thornberry’s)

Nigel Thornberry is the main character of the show The Wild Thornberry’s. His life he spent learning about all kinds of wild animals and habitats. When danger arrives, he is always quick to help his family members.

13. Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy)

¿Cómo era Nebula antes de ser un robot?

Nebula is the daughter of Thanos. Over time she builds negative feelings towards her adopted sister Gamora since, in a way, they have always been fighting for their father’s approval.

14. Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)

Michiru Kaiou or better known as Sailor Neptune. She is one of the main characters in the Sailor Moon series. Sailor Moon herself described Michiru as the perfect princess.

15. Nathan Drake (Uncharted)

Nathan Drake is the main character of the video game Uncharted. Which was earlier this year adapted into a movie starring Tom Holland as Nathan. He is very witty and good at surviving, and he is often described as a professional treasure hunter.

16. Nanami Kento (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Nanami Kento is one of the main characters from the anime Jujutsu Kaisen. He plays the role of a mentor to the young Itadori, who is still navigating his way in the magical world filled with demons and many other creatures.

17. Ned Stark (Game of Thrones)

Ned Stark was the lord of the northern part of Westeros. He was an honest and kind lord, and he cared about his people and his family members. His friend King Robert called upon him to become his hand, and after that, his life changed immensely.

18. Nightwing (Nightwing)

Richard Grayson or later known as Nightwing, is actually the adopted son of Batman. He learned everything from him and later worked as a sidekick for Robin. After some time, he decided to go off on his own, where he then created his identity as the Nightwing.

19. Nana Osaki (Nana)

Nana, just like the name of the show, is its main character. She is a young girl singing in a punk band called Black Stones. Her dream is to become the next punk-rock star, like her favorite band, The Sex Pistols.

20. Nagini (Harry Potter)

¿Cuándo consiguió Voldemort a Nagini?

Nagini is a kind of pet, if you will, of the main antagonist of the Harry Potter series. Voldemort’s snake Nagini listens to his orders diligently, and we later find out that Nagini used to be human.

21. Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)

Nancy is one of the main characters from the Netflix show Stranger Things. She is the older sister of Mike, whose best friend got possessed by an alien. No matter the danger, she will always help her friends and brother.

22. Nate Jacobs (Euphoria)

Nate is one of the main antagonists of the show Euphoria. Even though it doesn’t excuse his behavior towards other characters, he had a very hard upbringing that shaped some of his personality.

23. Nezuko (Demon Slayer)

Nezuko was almost murdered by a demon. Instead, she turned into one, and now she is facing a lot of challenges on the way, like extreme hunger for people.

24. Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)

Narcissa Malfoy is Draco’s mother, portrayed by the late Helen McCrory. It seemed as though she might’ve accepted her position next to Voldemort but mostly out of fear.

25. Nick Miller (New Girl)

Nick Miller is one of the main characters of the show called New Girl. He and his two roommates have put up an ad that they are looking for another roommate. They meet a girl that desperately needs to move to a new place called Jess, and soon after, they all become very close friends.

26. Nairobi (Money Heist)

Nairobi is one of the main characters of the show Money Heist. Because of her special skills, she was included in a mastermind plan to rob a bank without getting caught.

27. Nosferatu (Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror)

Nosferatu is a 1922 black and white film based on the book Dracula. It follows a vampire who wants to prey on the wife of an estate agent. Later on, bringing plague all over the surrounding area of Transylvania.

28. Norman Osborn (Spider-Man)

Norman grew up with a father who was an aspiring inventor but soon realized that his father could never achieve this. Instead, he made it his mission to never worry about finance and to create something of his own that he could rely on. He would go on to build a successful company.

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29. Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl)

Nate is a student at one of the most elite high schools in Manhattan. His father wants him to follow in his footsteps and go to Yale. He doesn’t want to go to college, and he also finds out that his father committed fraud, and this affects their lifestyle.

30. Nightcrawler (Nightcrawler)

Nightcrawler is a part of the Marvel universe. He is a mutant that possesses the X gene that most likely created his mutations.

31. Nearly Headless Nick (Harry Potter)

Nearly Headless Nick is exactly what his name implies. He is a wandering ghost that roams around Hogwarts, scaring students and gossiping about the latest news.

32. Negan (The Walking Dead)

Negan is one of the most ruthless antagonists of The Walking Dead. He is a dictator, or as he sees himself, as a leader of his people. He intimidates various villages to provide resources to his station and others. When he meets Rick, someone finally stands up to him.

33. Nagato (Naruto)

¿Cómo consiguió Nagato el Rinnegan?

Nagato or better known as Pain, is one of the strongest opponents Naruto had to face. He has an immensely powerful eye power called Rinnegan, with which he almost erased many lives in Naruto’s village.

34. Nymphadora (Harry Potter)

Nymphadora is another character from the Harry Potter universe. She is a playful and witty character whose specialty is shape-shifting.

35. Nick Wilde (Zootopia)

Nick is a fox that uses his charm to get out of any trouble, but one time this doesn’t work. He gets caught by a bunny police officer and finds himself helping her with the investigation she is working on.

36. Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)

Nagisa Shiota is one of the main characters of the Assassination Classroom anime series. Underperforming high school students are sent away to a special school far away from civilization. Turns out that their mission is to kill their professor, who is an alien creature that is almost impossible to kill him.

37. Neutron Jimmy (Jimmy Neutron)

Jimmy Neutron is the main protagonist of the show with the same same. He is a boy genius. At just 10 years old, he built his own robot dog.

38. Nine Tails (Naruto)

Nine Tails, or rather his real name Kurama is one of the nine-tailed beasts that exist in the Naruto universe. They were created by the Sage of Six Paths, splitting his immense energy into nine parts. Kurama is said to be the strongest tailed-beast, and he is sealed in the main character, Naruto.

39. Nani (Lilo & Stitch)

Nani is Lilo’s older sister. Their parents had unfortunately passed away, and Nani is her sole guardian. Trying to take care of her as best as she knows how. Balancing her work and Lilo is now one of her biggest challenges.

40. Nana (Peter Pan)

Como probablemente recuerdes, Nana es la perra niñera que cuida de Wendy y sus hermanos. Si bien se toma el tiempo para jugar con los niños, también se toma en serio su papel de niñera.

41. Neji Hyuga (Naruto)

Neji Hyuga es un ninja y parte del clan Hyuga. Su padre le pasó el deber de proteger al jefe del clan y, después de él, Neji recibió el mismo papel.

42. Nathan Prescott (La vida es extraña)

Nathan es uno de los antagonistas del videojuego independiente Life is Strange. Proviene de una familia adinerada y ha realizado algunas acciones cuestionables.

43. Nymeria (Juego de Tronos)

Nymeria era la loba huargo de uno de los personajes principales de Juego de Tronos, Arya. Su madre murió protegiéndola a ella y a sus hermanos, por lo que los Stark se encargaron de cuidarlos, ya que su sello es el lobo terrible.

44. Nicolás Flamel (Harry Potter)

Nicolás Flamel fue quien descubrió la piedra filosofal. Con su poder logró vivir una vida muy larga.

45. Neytiri (Avatar)

Neytiri es una princesa Na’vi y uno de los personajes principales de la película Avatar. Conoce a un humano en forma de Avatar llamado Jake Sully y se convierte en su maestro mostrándole su cultura y formas de vida.

46. ​​Rey Nocturno (Juego de Tronos)

El antagonista principal y más esperado de la serie de televisión Juego de Tronos. Él era parte de las viejas predicciones del largo y oscuro invierno que vendría y destruiría Poniente si no se detenía a tiempo.

47. Nicholas Brody (Patria)

Nicholas es un marine estadounidense que fue capturado por Al Qaeda en una de sus misiones. Logró sobrevivir, pero ahora sus alianzas están en duda.

48. Nicolette Grant (Gran amor)

Nicolette es uno de los personajes del programa de HBO Big Love. La historia sigue a los polígamos modernos que viven en Utah.

49. Noah Bennet (Héroes)

Noah Bennet es uno de los personajes principales del programa Heroes de NBC. Aparentemente es un hombre de negocios común y corriente, pero en realidad realiza investigaciones encubiertas sobre mutantes y quiere acabar con su especie.

50. Nora Montgomery (American Horror Story: Murder House)

Nora Montgomery es la esposa de un dentista que practica abortos en secreto a niñas que los necesitan. Lo que Nora no sabía es que su marido asesinó accidentalmente a varios de sus pacientes y luego experimentó con sus cuerpos.

  • Petra Kolak

    Petra Kolak


    Petra Kolak

    A Petra le gusta ver de todo, desde reality shows hasta películas independientes de catorce horas de duración con una estructura no convencional. Al estudiar en la Academia de Artes Dramáticas de Zagreb, encontró su pasión por la escritura y está emocionada de aprender más sobre ella a medida que pasa el tiempo.



Redactor y editor principal en Tiempo de recreo. Pasa todo el día en frente del televisor y jugando videojuegos, solo por eso fue contratado en el medio.

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