
Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

Aparte de la gran cantidad de ellas, una cosa destacable de la serie Viernes 13 es que ninguna es una película espectacular por sí sola. Aunque después de más de 200 muertes y aventuras locamente locas, esta película se abrió camino en todos los espacios cinematográficos y creó un legado de excelencia en las películas de terror. Por lo tanto, es necesario tener las películas del viernes 13 en orden.

Este artículo es mi guía clasificada sobre todas las películas del viernes 13 en orden cronológico. Algunas de estas películas son sorprendentemente decentes, mientras que otras parecen legendarias, horribles y difíciles de creer que sucedieron.

¿Cuántas películas de Viernes 13 hay?

Hay 12 películas de Viernes 13 en total. Cada uno viene con suspenso, emoción y algo especial. 

Cuando se trata de las películas de Viernes 13, no son como cualquier otra película de terror slasher que vemos; Las películas del viernes 13 son más numerosas y no tan interesantes sin las otras.

Cada uno viene con suspenso, emoción y algo especial. Las doce series de películas fueron lanzadas al cine llenas de emoción, y todas dejaron una huella legendaria e intensa en los corazones de la audiencia.

Viernes 13 Películas en orden de un vistazo

Para aquellos de ustedes que aún no han visto esta increíble película, aquí hay una lista de las películas del viernes de un vistazo. Esta lista está organizada en orden cronológico, por lo que es posible que desees ver estas películas en este orden.

  1. Viernes 13 (1980)
  2. Viernes 13 Parte 2 (1981)
  3. Viernes 13 Parte III (1982)
  4. Viernes 13: El capítulo final (1984)
  5. Viernes 13: Un nuevo comienzo (1985)
  6. Viernes 13 Parte VI: Jason vive (1986)
  7. Viernes 13 Parte VII: La sangre nueva (1988)
  8. Viernes 13 Parte VIII: Jason toma Manhattan (1989)
  9. Jason va al infierno: el último viernes (1993)
  10. Jason X (2001)
  11. Freddy contra Jason (2003)
  12. Viernes 13 (2009)

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de ver películas del viernes 13?

La mejor forma de ver las películas de Viernes 13 es en orden cronológico. Si no has visto las películas de Viernes 13, ¡te has perdido muchas cosas! Pero eso no es un gran problema; Puede consultar la lista a continuación para obtener un orden cronológico completo de las películas del viernes 13.

Viernes 13 Películas en orden cronológico

1. Viernes 13 (1980)

Esta es la primera película del viernes 13 que se estrena. Esta película abarca el amor y la venganza de una madre. Ver a los consejeros del campamento siendo eliminados uno tras otro es una de las cosas que hizo que valga la pena ver esta película. 

Si hay algo más fascinante en esta película es lo brutales y espantosas que fueron las muertes. Esta fue una de las primeras veces en una película en la que se salió con la suya el asesinato de adolescentes inocentes.

 No es ninguna novedad que el espantoso asesino de esta película no fue Jason Vorhees sino su madre, la señora Voorhees. Mientras duren las películas de slasher, esta en particular fue la cabeza del grupo por un tiempo. De ahí sus numerosas secuelas, precuelas y episodios únicos.

2. Viernes 13 Parte 2 (1981)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

Esta película es la secuela de la primera película de Viernes 13 y se estrenó oficialmente el 30 de abril de 1981. No mucho después del increíble éxito de la primera película, Viernes 13 , Parte 2 llegó para seguir emocionándonos desde donde la original. La película se había detenido hace cinco años. 

Curiosamente, los productores recuperaron a tres personajes de la película original. ¡Leíste bien! Entre ellos se incluyen los dos consejeros del campamento y la madre «loca» de Jason. ¡Sí! Una de las consejeras del campamento, Alice, sobrevivió al final de la primera película.

3. Viernes 13 Parte III (1982)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

¿Recuerdas el personaje presentado en la Parte 2? Sí, Ginny Field ha vuelto. Sin embargo, en esta película, la sobreviviente intenta seguir adelante con su vida con sensatez. Aunque Ginny ha regresado a la universidad, aprende defensa mientras planea sus movimientos de venganza contra Jason.

Oh, hold on, that was supposed to occur in the movie, but the actress Amy Steel didn’t want to reprise her role. So instead, we start at the exact point we left off with Jason, seeking revenge unmasked. In this movie, Jason Voorhees terrorizes and stalks a group of friends who stay in a  cabin inside the woods.

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Friday The 13th Part III wasn’t anything up to spectacular, and the ending wasn’t so much to brag about either. It ends just the same way the first film ended. But hold on, could this have been their attempt at a full circle? Let’s check out the next movie to find out.

4. Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: Películas del viernes en orden cronológico

This film was released in 1984 and was titled The Final Chapter, but was it the final movie? Well, no. Obviously, by now, the fans of the franchise have discovered that Jason is never truly dead.

In an effort to kill Jason Voorhees off forever, the movie producer Frank Mancuso Jnr brings Jason back to crystal lake for a good final fight.

5. Friday The 13th: A New Beginning (1985)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

Good things never really come to an end, do they? Well, a brand new Friday The 13th film hit the cinemas and movie houses just a year later. Its title, A New Beginning, was supposed to reinvent the franchise.

This very one happens five years after Jason was macheted to his early death. The main character of this film Tommy has remained haunted since the night of that incident and is struggling to move on with his life.

Later in this movie, we find out that the killer that has been tormenting everyone is an imposter. This means just one thing! They have stayed true to the film’s story and kept Jason Voorhees dead. But, unfortunately, for most of it, it was a lackluster film. You will definitely get a few chills here and there, but that’s what you should expect from this slasher movie.

6. Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

Tommy comes back but is not doing very fine. This film was released exactly a year after the previous film. In this movie, we watch Tommy return home with a friend of his, but he is dealing with horrible dreams and intense hallucinations, all due to the trauma brought upon him by Jason over the years.

Tommy later resorts to going to Jason’s grave and encasing his corps in cement to ensure he can’t and will never escape. Insane! but you wouldn’t blame him for breeding such ideas, would you?

7. Friday The 13th Part VI: The New Blood (1988)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

If you did not know it already, then this movie is here to prove it to you. Jason will not and cannot die. Well, at the beginning of the movie, The New Blood, Jason is shown chained to the bottom of Crystal Lake. He is seen decomposing but breathing anyways. OMG! Some Bollywood shit, I can say.

The protagonist Tina used her telekinetic powers to kill her father, who was nothing to her but a crazy and abusive monster inside this lake. However, Tina’s actions begin to dawn on her, and she starts to feel hurt, so her mom takes her to Crystal Lake as a part of her treatments.

Tina comes and stands by the lake reminiscing and wishing her father would just come back to her, and she was his blood after all. However, she instead resurrects Jason, who ends up wreaking immense havoc on Tina, his daughter, her mom, and every other person attempting to heal too.

8. Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: Películas del viernes en orden cronológico

Here again, with the intent for this being the final Friday film, Jason makes his way for New York to end it all. But before getting there, he must be revived from his last death. It so happens that while his body was decomposing at Crystal lake, his body was shocked back to life by a boat’s motor engine.

Jason Voorhees jumps onto a boat set to New York City to terrorize and victimize the innocent people of the Big Apple. Did I say innocent? It disappointed the box office that there wasn’t another Friday The 13th movie until 1993. Although we possibly can’t be too sure it was disappointing, let’s look at the next Friday The 13th movie.

9. Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

This particular Friday the 13th film goes straight to show you that no matter what you do or no matter what happens, Jason must find a way to kill people.

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In the ninth Friday movie, Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday, he is practically blown into thousands of nearly invisible pieces. Oh no, there is no coming back from that. But his spirit now possesses the body of a coroner.

He now has a vessel going about his dirty work. Jason’s spirit now goes all over the place, possessing other bodies and collecting souls while he murders people more and more. At this very point, it seems like Jason has done more traveling than most.

He’ll always end up in a new town, which is always a small town. There are always many daft and naive people to kill, and well, of course, there is never a true way of getting rid of him. Here’s a shocker, at the end of this film, Jason is dragged to hell but manages to find his way to come back for another movie.

10. Friday The 13th (2009)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

There’s always been a conflict about why Friday The 13th comes before Jason X in any chronological arrangement. So hold on, and we’ll get there. The first thing you probably have on your mind now is, “this is unfair, the 2009 Friday The 13th is a reboot,” well, you might not be completely wrong. But relax. Despite being a reboot, you have to agree that it is also part of the franchise. So yes, chronologically, this movie comes before the Jason X film.

This movie comes to light on its own and is not a total shot-for-shot remake of the original and initial Friday The 13th movie. Nevertheless, there are a few similarities we can’t deny. Similarities in elements cast members’ traits and a lot of other little things like that. Yes! This movie stands on its own. However, technically, it was supposed to be an origin story with an “in shape” younger version, not Jason.

11. Jason X (2001)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: ¿Cuántas hay?

The reason why Jason X comes after the 2009 release on the list though being shot in 2002, is that it takes place in 2455. And it takes place all in space. Well, at this point, Jason’s just taking revenge on people who have done him no wrong whatsoever. This proves (not like we needed any proof all along) that Jason is just a crazy psycho killer and a maniac.

12. Freddy vs. Jason (2003)

Viernes 13 Películas en orden: Películas del viernes en orden cronológico

This shared universe film puts Jason against Freddy Krueger (The Killer From The Nightmare On Elm Street). It first starts about who can achieve the most kills (in a subtle way).

However, this is greatly about Freddy Krueger using Jason as his pawn to strike fear through the hearts of many people in the city of Springwood. The more scared they become, the easier it becomes for Freddy Krueger to return and haunt their dreams.

Ok, this is tense! As fans of this franchise, we already know that our very own Jason has no sort of control whatsoever, which makes him end up killing most of Freddy’s potential victims. But, there’s going to be trouble. Jason’s actions eventually lead to a battle between the two supernatural killers. I told you there was trouble.

All the fans are now on the edge of their seats to see which of these killers is getting killed. Anyways, they are both as alive as anyone who resurrected or came back from hell could be.

Do you need to watch Friday the 13th movies in order?

You should watch Friday the 13th movies in order. If you want the full Friday The 13th series experience, then you should watch the films in chronological order, as we have sorted them out above.

Are Friday the 13th movies connected?

Yes, Friday the 13th movies are connected. The primary connection that spans all movies is the iconic killer, Jason Vorhees.

Will there be more Friday the 13th movies?

So, far, the possibility of there being more Friday the 13th movies is always open. Although numerous projects have been planned and very nearly executed nothing ultimately came out of them. Several reboots, prequels, and sequels were planned, and one lawsuit additional complicated things. As far as we can see chances are slim that there will be more Friday the 13th movies but it’s not impossible.

Where to watch Friday the 13th movies?

You can watch al 12 Friday the 13th movies on Amazon Prime.

  • Hrvoje Milakovic

    Hrvoje Milakovic



    Hrvoje MilakovicHrvoje Milakovic es copropietario de Fiction Horizon y un gran cinéfilo. Aparte de eso, le gusta leer cómics, jugar y coleccionar muñecos de acción. Ha aparecido en LifeWire, Yahoo e IMDb, por nombrar algunos.




Redactor y editor principal en Tiempo de recreo. Pasa todo el día en frente del televisor y jugando videojuegos, solo por eso fue contratado en el medio.

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